Getting Started with CNC Machines: A Guide to Acquiring Your Own

Precise or CNC machining, as you know, is revolutionizing and the most advanced technique to manufacture products at the industrial level. What started as a terrific invention to manufacture products ranging from the size of a tiny nut bolt to manufacture big heavy-duty parts for humongous machines in big industries is now becoming a necessity for many small or big-sized factories to compete in the market.

In this article, our main focus is to provide you with the right guidance on CNC machinery, how you can adapt to it, and what other factors need to be considered as you get your hands on it.

Checklists to follow when opting for CNC milling

CNC milling dominates CNC machining. And there’s a huge chance that your industry demands will be closely met with this. Now, let’s start with some checklists that will help you out with what CNC machining parts are required for your business.

  1. Understand Your Project Requirements

To avoid buying an undersized or overspecified machine, assess your current and future production needs first.

Think of asking these basic questions to yourself as that will be very helpful in pointing out what exactly the demand of your factory:

How much do I want the machine to produce regarding parts and materials? How precise will those parts need to be? Is it necessary to have multiple axes?

  1. Choose the Best Type of Machine

You will need to consider the most appropriate machine type for your manufacturing needs since so many machines are available.

When it comes to selecting a high-performance CNC machine tool, the following factors are often considered by experienced customers:

  • A description of the dimensions, shapes, and materials of the parts that need to be manufactured
  • A comparison of small versus large batch processing, e.g., production cycles and turnaround time
  • Various factors, such as the size of a table, the tool size, the chuck size, and the time it takes for a tool to change
  • The size of the fixture, its width, its height, the number of parts produced in one cycle, and the number of operations performed in one setting
  • Power and performance of the machine spindle (cutting force) and tool capacity
  • Amount of automation and type of control required
  • CAM software compatibility or compatibility with other design software
  • Several machining axes, depending on the complexity of the manufactured piece
  • The flexibility of the machines
  • Machine cycle time
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We recommend multitasking machine tools such as the C1 or the upgraded C2

for parts that require both turning and milling.

To accomplish high precision and complex positioning or to perform simultaneous machining, multiaxis machines like M3-5AX or M4-5AX are required.

  1. Cheaper is not always better

Every field inevitably has its competitors. Buyers of machine tools will always try to find the most economical machine for their needs. Generally, machines made in technologically advanced countries are more durable and expensive. It may, however, last longer and require less maintenance.

Additionally, you should consider where its parts are manufactured and assembled. Machine tool manufacturers are sometimes based in countries with strong engineering traditions, but their parts are manufactured overseas.

How to get your CNC Machinery Equipment

Now, as we have gone through some basic and necessary checklists, the next step is to find the right dealers and suppliers that will understand and cater to the needs of our production scale. You can find several dealers and distributors in your city for that purpose. The best way is to get them online, but here is a tricky part.

They should be authentic and have a reputable image. You can find several websites that offer CNC services and marketplaces that can cater to your needs. But the right online CNC machining services providers should provide you with ease, like providing prototypes of your products, very precise tolerance levels, i.e., 0.005mm, and faster delivery times.

Some Useful Cost Reduction Tips for CNC Machining

We’ll discuss a few simple changes you can make to your designs to lower the cost of the overall part. Three main areas will significantly affect the cost of your part:

  • Design
  • Material
  • Quantity
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Drill bits can drill standard hole sizes quickly and accurately. However, if you need a non-standard hole, CNC machining is needed, which increases the price.

When adding text and logos to a product, engraving is preferred over embossing because less material must be removed, reducing costs and time. Text can also be added to parts using other methods, such as laser etching and silkscreening, which are cheaper.


Let’s talk about “blank”. Blanks are the blocks or rods of material loaded into CNC machines ready for machining. The part’s bounding volume determines a blank’s size, so protruding features can increase the part’s bounding volume and material costs.

A slow, iterative machining process is required for manufacturing holes, walls, and threads with tight tolerances, increasing the machining time. Additionally, parts require post-machining inspection with a micrometer or CMM, adding to the cost. Your design should, therefore, only include tolerances on critical components.


In CNC Machining, a circular cross-section is used to produce cutting tools that rotate to provide cutting action. As a result, fillets are naturally cut into internal corners because of this tool’s design. The larger the fillets, the quicker your design will be machined, allowing the use of larger tools with a higher material removal rate.

Thin walls and tall features can be warped or fractured by vibrations during CNC machining, resulting in warping or fractures. Making multiple shallow cuts at low speed into the workpiece is necessary to minimize part vibration.


This guide gives you a great idea of how to apply CNC machining methods that will help you leverage and upscale your production to new heights.

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Communicate clearly with your online CNC service provider to make them understand your production needs.