RBI Grade B Eligibility

RBI Grade B Eligibility

The Reserve Bank of India conducts the RBI Grade B examination for those who want to join the banking sector. All the candidates should fulfil the eligibility criteria before applying for the  examination. Eligibility comprises age limit, educational qualifications, and nationality. The official dates will be released soon on the official website. 

All the original documents uploaded at the time of the application process will be verified at the  time of document verification. If someone fails to provide the documents, then his/her candidature will be canceled. 

The RBI Grade B is a banking examination with a vast syllabus and limited vacancies, making it one of the toughest exams. 

This exam is held in two phases: 

  1. Phase-1: It comprises a single paper for 200 marks with an allotted time of 120  minutes. The syllabus consists of General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative  Aptitude, and Reasoning. 
  2. Phase-2: The shortlisted candidates from the Phase-1 examination are eligible for this  examination. It comprises three papers: 
  3. Paper-1(Economic and Social Issues)
  4. 50% Objective Type of 50 marks with an allotted time of 30 minutes. 2. 50% Descriptive Type of 50 marks with an allotted time of 90 minutes. 2. Paper-2(English Writing Skills): It consists of 3 questions for 100 marks which are to be typed with the help of a keyboard under an allotted time of 90  minutes. 
  5. Paper-2(General Finance and Management): 50% Objective Types and 50%  Descriptive Type both of 50 marks with a total allotted time of 120 minutes. 

Shortlisted candidates from the Phase-2 examination undergo an interview round for  further selection. 

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RBI Grade B Eligibility Criteria 

According to the RBI Grade B eligibility, one must belong to the following: 

1) Nationality: A candidate must be a:  

  1. A citizen of India 
  2. A subject of Nepal or Bhutan. 
  3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 for permanent  settling in India.
  4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka,  and the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of  Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam for permanent settling in India. 

NOTE: Candidates belonging to categories (b), (c), and (d) must hold a certificate issued by the Government of India in favor of them. 

2) RBI Grade B Age Limit (As of 1st January 2022): 

Candidates must check the age limit before filling out the application form to check  whether they are eligible for the post or not. The upper limit for RBI Grade B is 30  years and the lower limit is 21 years. There is some relaxation in age limits given  according to the following categories:



Age Relaxation
SCs/STs 5 years
OBCs 3 years
Ex-employees of banking institutions whose  services had to be terminated for reasons of  economy or because of a bank going into  liquidation and personnel retrenched from  Government Offices after at least one year’s  service and currently registered with Employment  Exchange.Up to a maximum of 5 years
Ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers  and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five  years of Military Service as on January 01, 2022,  and have been released.Up to a maximum of 5 years
Person with Benchmark Disability• Gen/EWS: 10 years 

• SC/ST: 15 years 

• OBC: 13 years


Candidates who possess M.Phil or PhD  qualifications. Upper age Limit will be 32 or  34 years


3) Minimum Educational Qualifications:


Posts Qualifications
Officers in  Grade ‘B’  (DR) – 


Graduation in any discipline /Equivalent technical or professional qualification with minimum 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD applicants)  


Post Graduation in any discipline / Equivalent technical or professional qualification with minimum 55% marks (pass marks for  SC/ST/PwBD applicants) in aggregate of all semesters/years. 


Graduation: Any such course from a recognised University / Institute that is taken after Class XII and is at least 3 years duration/  candidates possessing professional or technical qualifications which are recognised by the Government as equivalent to professional or technical graduation. 

Post Graduation: Any such course from a recognised University /  Institute that is taken after Graduation and is at least 2 years duration / recognised by the Government as equivalent to professional or technical Post Graduation.


Officers in  Grade ‘B’  (DR) – 


a. A Master’s Degree in Economics (or any other master’s degree where  “Economics” is the principal constituent of the curriculum/syllabus) 


b. A Master’s Degree in Finance (or any other master’s degree where  “Finance” is the principal constituent of the curriculum/syllabus) 


c. PGDM / MBA with specialization in Economics / Finance. 

For (a) to (c) above, a minimum of 55 percent marks or an equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters/years from a recognized Indian or foreign  University.

Officers in  Grade ‘B’  (DR) – 


a. A Master’s Degree in Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Mathematical  Economics/ Econometrics/ Statistics & Informatics/ Applied Statistics &  Informatics. 


b. Master’s Degree in Mathematics and a one-year postgraduate diploma in Statistics or related subjects from an Institute of repute. 


c. M. Stat. Degree of Indian Statistical Institute. 


d. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) jointly offered by  ISI Kolkata, IIT Kharagpur, and IIM Calcutta. 

A candidate must have a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade in the above-mentioned degrees in aggregate of all semesters/years.