
5 Signs You’re Experiencing Wisdom Tooth Pain

Your mouth is home to 32 teeth. And only 28 of them are visible. The other four are known as wisdom teeth.

These wisdom teeth grow at the age of 17. Adult teeth are in high demand, and wisdom teeth aren’t so well-received. Instead of easing their entrance into your mouth, they slam themselves in and begin causing you pain.

If you’re going through discomfort in the jawline, you might be wondering whether the pain you’re experiencing is related to your teeth. Continue reading to learn about the signs of wisdom tooth pain.

1. Pain or Discomfort in the Back of the Mouth

One of the most common signs of wisdom tooth pain is discomfort or pain in the back of the mouth. This may be felt on one or both sides of the mouth and can range from mild to severe.

The pain may be constant or come and go and may be worse when chewing or biting down. In some cases, the pain may radiate to the ear or jaw.

2. Swelling or Tenderness in the Gums

As wisdom teeth begin to grow, they can push against the surrounding gums, causing swelling and tenderness. This may make it difficult to brush or floss properly, as the swollen gums may be more sensitive to pressure. In some cases, the gums may become red or inflamed, and there may be a visible bump near the affected tooth.

3. Difficulty Opening the Mouth

In some cases, wisdom tooth pain in jaw can make it difficult to open the mouth fully. This may be due to swelling or tenderness in the surrounding tissues or because the tooth is pushing against other teeth in the mouth.

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If you experience difficulty opening your mouth, seeing a dentist or oral surgeon is essential. This could indicate a more severe problem.

4. Bad Breath or an Unpleasant Taste in the Mouth

As wisdom teeth begin to grow, they can create spaces between the teeth and gums that are difficult to clean. This can lead to a buildup of bacteria and food particles, which can cause bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth. If you notice a persistent bad taste or odor, even after brushing and flossing, this may be a sign of wisdom tooth pain.

5. Headaches or Jaw Pain

In some cases, wisdom tooth growing pain can lead to headaches or jaw pain. This may be due to the pressure that the growing tooth is placing on the surrounding tissues, or because the tooth is causing misalignment of the jaw.

If you experience frequent headaches or jaw pain, especially if accompanied by any other signs listed above, seeing a dentist or oral surgeon is essential. Seek a professional’s help and start your preparation for wisdom tooth removal.

Know the Signs of Wisdom Tooth Pain

It is essential to be aware of the signs of wisdom tooth pain so that you can take the necessary steps for relief. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Early diagnosis and treatment can help eliminate the pain and prevent further damage. 

Don’t wait for the pain to resolve itself – take action today for a more comfortable future!

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